Find out which tests have the ALTE Q-MarkThe ALTE Framework shows whether an exam of our member organisations has the Q-Mark, following a successful audit. It also allows comparison using the CEFR levels of the different tests in different languages. If you are looking for a test with ALTE recognition, please check the framework. | The ALTE Q-mark is a quality indicator which member organisations can use to show that their exams have passed a rigorous ALTE audit and meet all the core requirements of ALTE's 18 quality standards. The Q-mark demonstrates that ALTE member organisations aspire to consistent standards of quality and excellence in their exams. Het Q-label geeft aan dat de kwaliteit van een examen of een pakket van examens grondig werd bestudeerd door een ALTE-auditeur en dat het resultaat van deze audit 'beslissend' was. Het resultaat blijft geldig gedurende vijf jaar of tot er een significante verandering optreedt in het validiteitsbewijs voor de examens die een succesvolle audit ondergingen. Het Q-label wordt enkel toegekend voor de examens die werden onderworpen aan een audit en niet voor de organisatie. Het Q-label verzekert toetsgebruikers ervan dat een examen steunt op aangewezen processen, betrouwbare procedures en criteria en consistente standaarden. Only the exams of ALTE members and applicant ALTE Associate Members, meeting certain criteria, can undertake an ALTE audit process. You can also download a guide to the ALTE Q-mark for testing organisations here. |
Information for recognising bodies in Germany, Austria and SwitzerlandInformationen für anerkennende Stellen (Visastellen, Einwanderungsbehörden usw.) zu Sprachprüfungen mit dem Qualitätssiegel Q-Mark der Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) - März 2024. Informationen auf Deutsch und Englisch. Information for recognising bodies (immigration authorities, etc.) regarding language tests with the ALTE Q-Mark. March 2024. Information in German and English. |
Procedures for Auditing (PfA)The PfA (latest version - November 2024) was produced by the QMS-werkgroep and contains all the detailed procedures for auditors and for organisations being audited. ALTE's QMS-werkgroepThe ALTE QMS WG reviews and edits the audit procedures. Members of the QMS WG meet usually three times per year, and work in close collaboration with the Standing Committee to discuss and improve current procedures. Leer meer over de vaste commissie en het werk dat de QMS-werkgroep momenteel doet. | ALTE's minimumstandaarden
ALTE has established a set of 18 common standards for its members’ exams, which cover all stages of the language testing process, and are used in the Q-Mark audit process. These involve:
Dankzij deze richtlijnen kunnen toetsgebruikers, of het nu individuen, werkgevers, onderwijsinstellingen of overheden zijn, er zeker van zijn dat de taaltoetsen die ontwikkeld en aangeboden worden door ALTE-leden beantwoorden aan strikte professionele standaarden en accuraat de taalvaardigheid van de kandidaat weergeven. Read the Minimum Standards (MS) in the following languages: Български Català Cymraeg Čeština Deutsch Dansk English Español Eesti Euskara Français Gaeilge Galego Magyar Italiano Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Nederlands Norsk (bokmål og nynorsk) Polski Português Română Русский Slovenščina Suomi Svenska |
Introduction of Minimum Standard 18
Minimum Standard 18 was introduced in the ALTE Audit System from 1st July 2024. All Q-Mark audits and re-audits from this date will include this new minimum standard: You take action when test scores are interpreted and used for a purpose that violates the best interest of test-takers (c.f. the ILTA Code of Ethics and the ALTE Code of Practice).
Read the report on the creation and validation of this new Minimum Standard.
The next events related to auditing will be online, via the Microsoft Teams platform, in March 2025. Please see our Events page for more details and to register (please log in into your personal ALTE account to see the event). We run an Orientation session for organisations thinking about having an audit. This is a prerequisite for becoming an ALTE Full Member. Orientation sessions are also suitable for members of staff in existing Full Members who will engage in the ALTE auditing process but have not personally had relevant training before. We also run training for existing auditors to ensure ongoing professional standardisation.