
Word volwaardige ALTE-lid

ALTE Full Members take a full, active part in the life of the association and have at least one of their tests audited through the Quality Management System resulting in a Q-label

De voordelen van een volwaardig lidmaatschap zijn onder andere:

  • Het gebruik van het ALTE-logo
  • Een papieren en digitaal lidmaatschapscertificaat
  • Vermelding op de ALTE-website
  • Deelname in het ALTE-kwaliteitsmanagement en systeem van audits (tegen meerprijs)
  • Na een succesvolle audit: het gebruik van de Q-mark die de kwaliteit van het taalexamen aangeeft
  • De mogelijkheid om een conferentie te organiseren, en op die manier uw instituut en taalexamens tentoon te stellen
  • Mogelijkheid om mee te werken aan projecten
  • Toegang tot onderdelen van de ALTE-website, zoals het digitale discussieforum
  • Uitnodiging om deel te nemen aan ALTE's halfjaarlijkse conferenties en andere evenementen georganiseerd door Leden
  • Gereduceerde tarieven voor afgevaardigden bij specifieke ALTE-evenement en trainingscursussen
  • De mogelijkheid om via e-mail en over de post ALTE-communicatie te ontvangen
  • De mogelijkheid om te exposeren bij passende ALTE-evenementen
  • De mogelijkheid om mee te doen aan ALTE's Speciale Interessegroepen
  • Mogelijkheden om internationale connecties op te bouwen via het ALTE-netwerk, inclusief die van Europese Instituten
  • Mogelijkheden om lid te worden en mee te doen in Uitvoerende en Vaste Commissies, na verkiezingen
  • Uitnodiging om deel te nemen aan ALTE A
  • stemrecht, bijvoorbeeld voor verkiezingen van commissies of stemmen tijdens de AAV

Procedure to become ALTE Full Member

There are 5 main steps to become an ALTE Full Member, which may take some time to complete fully:

1) Become an ALTE Associate Member and get involved!

The standard procedure for an organisation to join ALTE requires becoming an ALTE Associate Member in the first instance. Please visit the page on becoming an ALTE Associate Member for more information about this step, including the application form. 

Organisations should be an Associate Member for a period of three years before applying for full membership and Q-Mark audit of at least one of their tests.

As an Associate Member, staff from the organisation should get actively involved in the life of the association, e.g. by attending ALTE conferences and other events and taking part in projects. This is very important as we very much value meeting you and getting to know you! The Board of Trustees take all this into account when reviewing applications to become an ALTE Full Member. 

2) Check you meet the requirements to be a Full Member 

Before applying for ALTE Full Membership status, please check that your organisation can fulfil all of the following requirements:

  • be a legal entity which is legally registered (see Note 1)
  • be accountable for the tests which they provide, i.e. are responsible for their own tests
  • have read and agreed to the terms of the ALTE constitution
  • adhere to ALTE's Principles of Good Practice
  • produce tests of the language(s) of the country or region that they are registered in. (See Note 2) They may also produce tests of other languages.
  • have provided tests of the language(s) of the country or region that they are registered in for a period of at least five years before applying for an audit, with at least one session per year
  • have been an ALTE Associate Member for at least three years before applying for an audit, and have taken part in ALTE events and activities, including the Orientation to ALTE Audit System training session
  • have the ALTE Q-label for at least one of their tests of the language(s) of the country or region that they are registered in (see Notes and 3), by the time they officially become a Full Member
  • actively engage in the life of the Association, e.g promotion of ALTE events and courses; regular attendance at its SIG meetings, workshops and conferences, with at least one representative attending the Annual General meeting (usually held as part of the November conference each year) and at least one representative having attending the Orientation to ALTE Audit System Session (usually held online in October or November) prior to applying for an audit.
  • have provided concrete evidence in terms of documentation of professionalism in the language testing field (e.g. research, projects, publications, recognition letters, etc.)
  • have their membership application reviewed by the ALTE Board of Trustees to ensure that they meet the stated criteria (see step 3 below)


1Applicants for Full Membership should be able to provide valid evidence of their legal status, if required by the Board of Trustees. In case of legal registrations in different countries, Applicants must communicate to ALTE the country they decide to refer on among the ones where they are legally registered.

2. The language of the country/region where they are sited is usually a language that has some sort of official recognition as such. This may be a spoken or signed language. The Board of Trustees will work with the organisation in question to determine if the language fulfils this criterion. Members that have had a resolved audit for a test in the language of their country/region may also request quality audits for any tests of other languages which they provide.

3Or was a member of ALTE EEIG before the introduction of the Q-Mark in 2008 and is working towards fulfilling the requirements of the quality audit; Members that have had a resolved audit for a test in the language of their country/region may also subsequently request quality audits for any tests of other languages which they provide.

3) Apply for Full Membership and be provisionally approved by ALTE's Board of Trustees

Please check that your organisation fulfils the above criteria, and then request the ALTE Full Membership application form from the ALTE Secretariat.

Vul het aanmeldformulier in, schrijf een formele intentieverklaring geaddresseerd aan de ALTE Secretaris-Generaal.De brief dient ondertekend te worden door de wettelijke vertegenwoordiger van de organisatie (de persoon die die de wettelijke autoriteit heeft om contracten aan te gaan). Meer details over wat er in de brief dient te staan kunt u vinden in het aanmeldformulier voor Volledige ALTE-leden. 

The above documents shall be reviewed by the ALTE Board of Trustees, during one of the bi-annual Board meetings. (Please check with the ALTE Secretariat if you wish to know when the Board meeting will take place). The Board of Trustees will decide if the organisation is suitable to join the Association as ALTE Full Member and undergo an ALTE audit. It may be that the Trustees determine that further work should be done by your organisation to improve the quality of your assessments first, which may be obtained through the Services Unit

If the application is approved by the Board of Trustees, the organisation becomes a candidate for full membership, but is not yet a Full Member. It can start preparing the documentation in order to undergo the quality (Q-Mark) audit, assisted by the ALTE Secretariat. 

4) Meld je aan en onderga een ALTE-audit (van ten minste een van de examens van de organisatie)

A crucial part of the application to become an ALTE Full Member is to undergo an ALTE audit for at least one of the organisation's exams.  The first audit must be for a test of one of the languages of the country or region the organisation is registered in. This is to fulfil ALTE's objective of 'sustaining diversity' in terms of multilingualism. For more information about how the Q-Mark audit system works, read the information about the Q-Mark. Detailed information on the ALTE auditing process and its different stages is available in the ALTE Procedures for Auditing. Please note that this stage may take some time, depending on the readiness of the organisation for the audit. 

ALTE's kwaliteitsverzekeringschecklist (verkrijgbaar onder Bronnen) kan ook nuttig zijn, aangezien het onderdelen behandelt waarop examens geaudit worden - toetsconstructie; toetsadministratie; beoordeling en resultaten; toetsanalyses en controles na afname.De checklist kan ingezet worden als tool voor zelfbeoordeling en we raden organisaties die overwegen zich aan te melden voor ALTE audits om deze volledig in te vullen (de informatie over dit deel van het proces kunt u ook vinden onder Sectie 5 van het bovengenoemde PFA-document).

5) Word volwaardig ALTE-lid

Once the ALTE audit is completed with the outcome ‘Resolved’, the organisation will need to sign the Membership Agreement to officially become an ALTE Full Member. 

After signing the Membership Agreement, the new ALTE Full Member is allocated a unique Q–mark reference and logo. This is the quality indicator which member organisations can use to show that their examination(s) have passed an ALTE audit. For full details on how the Q–mark can be used, please refer to the Q-Mark Guide.

The organisation will then be invited to prepare a small presentation about their own organisation during the following ALTE AGM or Members' Meeting. This will help other ALTE members understand better how the new organisation works and the type of language exams that they work with. The organisation will also need to provide a short description of the institution to include in the ALTE website.

The annual fee for ALTE Full Members for 2024 is €2,250.  For 2025 it is €2,500. The ALTE annual subscription fees are payable each January upon receipt of the invoice from the ALTE Secretariat.

ALTE then looks forward to continue working well with you for the promotion of quality language assessment.

Als u vragen heeft bij deze procedure of bij een van de bovenvermelde stappen, aarzel dan niet om het ALTE-secretariaat te contacteren via (

Let op: de overdracht van lidmaatschap is normaal gesproken niet toegestaan - bekijk echter de Regels rondom Overdracht van Lidmaatschap.

 ALTE - the Association of Language Testers in Europe is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), registered in England, charity number 1184799.

Spanish Translation © Instituto Cervantes and University of Salamanca 2025 | French Translation © France Éducation International 2025 | Italian Translation © University for Foreigners, Perugia 2025 | Dutch Translation © CNaVT 2025 | Romanian Translation © Babeş-Bolyai University 2025 |  | Portuguese Translation © CAPLE-University of Lisbon 2025 | Swedish Translation © Stockholm University 2025 | Catalan Translation © Generalitat de Cataluyna 2025 | German Translation © Goethe Institut and ÖSD 2025

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